Teen Angst Night

Teen Angst Night

NEXT SHOW: Wednesday, May 29

Somewhere in the back of your closet gathering dust and turning yellow with age is comedic gold. Those old journals, poems, and essays you wrote as a teenager when you thought you could do no wrong, would probably make you cringe at your former feelings if you were to read them today. Now, imagine sharing them in front of an audience. That’s exactly what happens at Teen Angst.

Teen Angst Night is an open mic comedic reading series where everyday people read from their embarrassing old journals, poems, songs, essays (and more). So, get digging through your old notebooks and find some gems!

You can share anything (poetry, songs, letters, journals, diaries, essays, stories, plays, lists, etc) so long as it follows these rules:

1- The work must be your own.
2- You must have written it between the ages of 10-19.
3- It’s best if the work is at least 4 years old.
4- If you cringe while reading it- it’s worth sharing! The more embarrassing the better!

Wednesday, May 29
Cottage Bistro – 4470 Main Street
Tickets:$5-10 at the door

Readers signed up:
1. Reese McBeth
2. Julianne Hoyak
3. Carmen Loncar
4. Bonnie Quan Symons
5. Jen Sungshine
6. Logan Trudeau
7. Chris Norris-Jones
8. Andrea Matchullis

If you want to sign up for the back up readers list to read on May 29 email sarabynoe(at)gmail.com with the subject TEEN ANGST NIGHT.

If this list gets really full another Teen Angst Night will be scheduled in June.

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2 Replies to “Teen Angst Night”

  1. […] May 29 – Teen Angst Night 3 at Cottage Bistro: Teen Angst Night is an open mic comedic reading series where everyday people […]

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